Tuesday, November 27, 2007

How Responsible Are We?

How Responsible Are We
for the world around us?

Many times we go through life blaming the 5 car pile-up on the road that made us late, we blame our spouse or children for starting our day off badly, or we blame the cleaners for not getting the stain out of our shirt. Blame, Blame, Blame, Blame. But do you subscribe to the thought that we create our reality? That EVERYTHING we perceive is a manifestation of our own thoughts? If you have read Wayne Dyer or watched the movie The Secret, then you have an idea of what I am talking about. But if we create our realities, then we are responsible for the accident, the spouse and badly behaved children, and the cleaner not getting the stain out? How is this possible?

This is where Ho'oponopono enters the picture. Ho'oponopono blends responsibility with divinity. Ho'oponopono is a Hawaiian practice of personal responsibility and releasing everything to God.

Imagine you are in the picture where someone walks into your office and just bulldozes you in a negative way. They are rude, crude, and they represent nothing of what you are. You are irritated, mad, and maybe a little surprised at the audacity of other people.

Many people teach that others are only a mirror of you. So what's in your personality that is reflected in this person's behavior? Maybe none. This took years for me to figure out. Other people may not be a reflection of WHO or WHAT you are, but if someone enters your life, you do share a common thread with them somewhere.

We only perceive 10% of our thoughts, that means 90% of our subconscious thoughts, that we do not perceive, dominate our lives and our reality. Think about that! Even though you are not aware of your link to this person, know that you do share a link somewhere that you cannot perceive. This experience then becomes your responsibility.

How can you clear yourself? You can say "Father, Mother, Holy Divine of One and All, please forgive me for whatever I have done, past, present or future, to create this situation" Then say these 4 phrases, "I Love You", "I'm Sorry", "Please Forgive Me", and "Thank You". Say these 4 phrases over and over again and you will QUICKLY feel so much better. When you clear the situation in you, you will release the web of situation for the other person as well, without them ever knowing what you have done. Try this out. When you are talking to a loved one or friend and they are very upset about something and retelling you the story, know that since you are a perceiving the situation, it has then become your responsibility. Clear it with the above situation and you will see how quickly your friend or loved one loses their anger and steam. Just repeat it silently in your head until they lose steam about the subject. It is amazing.

There is a doctor that works emergency care and also works with hospice. He found 4 magical phrases that can transmute everything. He said when someone was dying and they were surrounded by their family, that he heard 4 phrases being repeated over and over, "I Love you", "I'm sorry", "Please Forgive Me", and "Thank You". He said these 10 words held so much power that it is almost unbelievable. He said the people that then transitioned after saying those words, had a very peaceful passing and the people that did not have a chance to say those words had a very different transition. He also noted that the families dealt with grief much differently as well.

The beauty in Ho'oponopono is that you say these words internally and to God, they do not have to ever be spoken to another human. The word, along with intention, really is very powerful.

I practice Ho'oponopono 100 times before getting out of bed each morning and 100 times before going to sleep at night. I also practice this during the day as often as I think about it because my goal is to clear out the 90% of programming that I am not aware of. I do not have to know what the situation I am clearing is nor do I need to direct the clearing anywhere. I am giving complete control to God to release what needs to be released. Since we already know that nothing happens without action, your part in this is that you are actively expressing love, asking for forgiveness, and expressing gratitude. You are taking action and handing the drivers seat over to God to transmute and release what is not of your highest good.

Remember, if you see something happening in the world that you do not like, change starts with you.