Thursday, November 1, 2007

WHY are we so fat?

WHY are we so fat?
the real answer once and for all

It appears that some people are really bothered by the word fat. If you are one of those people, I apologize in advance but please read on to understand how fat is not an ugly word, it is actually a self protective function of the body.

I have spoken often about the connection to emotions and toxicity. The body sees toxic emotions no different than a physical poison. The body handles all toxicity the SAME way. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the liver processes all of our thoughts and emotions. What are you feeding your liver? Someone following Dr Emoto's work took 3 grains of rice to carry out an experiment on the power of our emotions. To the 1st grain of rice, the family said "I Hate You" to it. The 2nd grain of rice, they said, "I Love You" to it. The 3rd grain of rice they completely ignored. After time had passed, the grain of rice they said "I Hate You" to was starting to decay. The 2nd grain of rice they said "I Love You" to still was in good condition. The 3rd grain of rice that they ignored, had rotted. Emotions have power. Many people stuff emotions down and ignore them. This is how disease gets a hold in the body. Other people are angry, and while they may not have a disease, they do have toxic personalities. These are people that are hard to be around for any length of time. There is a tv show called myth busters that carried out a similar experiment. I wrote about that in another blog so I will not revisit it here, but all of these independent experiments prove that emotions, while seemingly not tangible, do greatly affect you.

The body's response to negative emotions? Weight gain and swollen fat cells. The body protects itself by padding the internal body with cushioning. Think about the eating disorders that are emotion related: anexoria, bulemia, and emotional eating. Emotional eating is where people eat for comfort. There is such a large percent of the american culture that eats for comfort. Look back to the programming we had as children, and how we program our children today. Family events are celebrated in a restaurant, centered around food. Birthdays are centered around a birthday cake. If a child feels bad, we "cheer them up" with food. After winning a baseball game, families huddle around pizza or ice cream at the local shoppe. We use food all the time as a reward and comfort system, it is no wonder people turn to food for comfort.

But there is another aspect to fat that we have not considered and it has nothing to do with emotions and everything to do with toxic chemicals.

Toxic chemicals surround us and are making us fat despite no fat, low fat, exercise, and diets available today. Everyone is looking for the quick fix, but in order to understand what will help, you need to understand what is going on in the body. Our high stress, highly refined and processed diets, not having enough relaxing time or beneficial exercise, and not enjoying life enough leads us to an impaired detoxification system. Our major detox pathways have been interrupted and we no longer can expel harmful substances like our bodies once did. Picture a stopped up drain and there you have our detox pathways. Our lymph, our skin, our liver, kidneys, and lungs are not functioning at optimum anymore. Toxic chemicals are highly fat soluble. Which means, when the body cannot detox the toxins on it's own, it stores the toxins in the fat tissue and the cells fill up with lymphatic waste.

People think that if they are eating vegetables, they are healthy, but little is known about the way food is grown. Carbamates, also in medicines and cosmetics, are herbicides and pesticides sprayed on food and given to livestock to promote growth, fatten livestock and vegetables by slowing down the metabolic rate. We ingest these foods and this slows down our metabolic rate, causing weight gain.

If you experience hormone problems and researched the cause, you will find that hormone imbalance and toxins are directly related. Catecholamines, the body’s slimming hormones, are impaired by the toxins clogging up in your system. When adrenals are fatigued, you have a perfect recipe for low thyroid function to add on to your list of reasons why you are gaining weight.

I know it sounds daunting but I cannot stress enough the need to Detox, Detox, and Detox some more. In the world we live in, detoxing must be a part of our every day lives and I can promise you the detox packs you find at the health foods stores are not enough. You have a life time of built-up chemicals and toxins. If you have questions, look at our webpage. We not only offer detoxing options but we offer a plethora of information to educate you.