Friday, August 31, 2007

Mystery Meat Tour

Mystery Meat Tour

I am officially grossed out. I have had an email sitting in my email box for quite a while from NewsTarget. I had not opened it. Well today I did and clicked on the link.

The link sent me to the NewsTarget website and was featuring what is really inside the popular brand named meats we buy. The caption warned that you should have an empty stomach. Whatever! Things like that do not bother me. I'm a veteran at things being much GROSS, especially what we eat. I have a passion for microscopes and microscopic critters that surround us. I have seen and heard about hotdogs and lunch meat a million times in the path of wellness. I do eat meat but have not eaten processed meats in the last 10 years. But there are times I still dream of cheese, crackers and salami like my childhood days; NOT anymore. I'll admit, by the end of these pictures, I was feeling slightly queasy.

If you have an interest for the perverse or really want to stop eating what is not healthy for you, click on this link and do NOT watch this if you have just eaten. Don't forget to read the captions under the pictures.

Monday, August 20, 2007

How Will YOU Die?

How Will YOU Die?

I ran across this article and wanted to share it because it is very thought provoking reality you should be thinking about. There is a RISE in diseases and illnesses, not a decline. What will another 20 years look like? Where will you be health wise, especially if you are already suffereing from "age related" medical-termed-realities? Whatever your parents have now, will be what you get (plus more) but at an earlier age. It's time to do something about it.
What Will You Die Of? -Roger Mason
We're all going to die like it or not. Even Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, and Mohammed died. We are only on earth for a very short time so let's make the best of it.
What are we going to die of? How can we live longer and not die prematurely? DIET, proven supplements, natural hormones, exercise, and fasting will all help us to live as long as possible. Quality of life is infinitely more important than quantity of life. Quality of life is everything.

What can we expect to die of?

The leading causes of death for Americans according to the National Center for Health Statistics are: Cardiovascular disease is far and away the biggest killer of all. The fact we eat 42% fat calories in our food is the basic reason for this. The most important indicator of CHD health is your total cholesterol (and triglyceride) level. Cancers of all types are the second leading cause of death. Prostate cancer in men and breast cancer in women are the leading cancers. We could almost put an end to cancer with diet and lifestyle changes. Stroke and similar conditions are the third cause. Here the 160 pounds of sugar we hog down every year seem to be a prime cause of brittle brain blood vessels. Emphysema and similar respiratory illnesses are the fourth cause.
Accidents, especially automobile crashes, are the fifth leading cause. Almost 50,000 people a year die in auto accidents alone. Alcohol and drugs play a big part here.
Diabetes is a growing epidemic in America. 1 in 3 American children born today will grow up to be diabetic. The 42% fat in our food, refined grains, and the 160 pounds of sugars we eat every year cause this more than anything.
Pneumonia and influenza (flu) are the seventh. This is due to low immunity basically. Alzheimer's disease was unknown fifty years ago. Now it affects millions of Americans every year. This is not to be confused with common senility. There are causes for this recent epidemic, but we're not yet clear on exactly what they are. Kidney failure such as nephritis and nephrosis is the ninth cause. Dialysis machines and kidney transplants are obviously not the answer here. Our kidneys fail due to abuse from bad diet, alcohol, prescription drugs, coffee, and other factors.
Blood infection or septicemia is the tenth leading cause of death. You hear very little about such a major cause of death. Low immunity again is the basic cause here.
Suicide is supposedly the eleventh cause, but a lot of deaths are not classified as such even though they should be. Suicide actually is more prevalent that the statistics say. When someone has three times the legal blood alcohol level and is driving at 70 miles an hour and crashes, that is not an accident- it is suicide. The main cause of suicide is depression.
Cirrhosis and liver disease (such as fatty liver) is the twelfth cause. Liver transplants are not the answer here. Our liver is the largest organ of the body (after the skin) and processes fats, drugs and chemicals. Better diet and lifestyle would pretty much eliminate all liver disease.
Hypertension or high blood pressure is another epidemic in America. Most of this is due to stress and insulin resistance. This is the thirteenth cause of death but contributes to early death in many other causes.
Homicide is the fourteenth cause, but much higher if you are African and much lower if you are European.
Parkinson's disease is the fifteenth cause of death. Poisoning people with prescription drugs is not the answer to this condition either.

All of these diseases and conditions could be reduced to a small fraction with healthier foods lifestyles.
Every year we eat more meals in fast food restaurants including McDonalds, Hardee's KFC, Wendy's, Pizza Hut and all the rest.
Until we change the way we live our quality of life will just get worse. Doctors, drugs, radiation, surgery and chemotherapy just deal with the symptoms of our problems and not the cause.

DHEA- reduces wrinkles... and life span?

DHEA- reduces wrinkles... and life span?

Okay, I know that was dramatic, but the potiential of using toxic substances day in and day out, without regard to the impact it has on our heath is dramatic.

Below is a paragraph from a book entitled Young Again by John Thomas. What do you really know about anti-aging products? I have questioned the safety of DHEA for years. A look into at the FDA website concerning the safety of cosmetic ingredients, will show you that DHEA is a neurotoxin at best. Putting a neurotoxin around your eyes, where the skin is thin and has more permeability, leaves me uneasy.

"DHEA is one of the magic bullet hormone analogs available over the counter. No one tells the public that there is NO difference between analogous DHEA, anabolic steroids, birth control pills, and estrogen replacements. All of them are VERY dangerous because they lock up the receptor sites in the body and prevent regulatory centers in the brain (hypothalamus, pituitary, and pineal) from keeping the body's hormones balanced and maintaining the body's terrain. Worse, analogs have a forever life and don't break down. Marketing claims of natural DHEA are BOGUS! Crafty chemists, have moved the -R group on the organic molecule so they can patent it. The real stuff can't be patented and anything natural isn't profitable for the industry. Real DHEA is made in the body by the adrenals, and production slows beginning at age 24 followed by other hormones like progesterone and melatonin. Stay away from these popular drugs. They are not safe. Once they attach to your receptor sites, you will become a prisoner of your own body."

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

No Excuses Rule

The No Excuses Rule

It's interesting to observe people. I have heard that the younger crowd has a sense of entitlement. Respect is harder to come by these days and just because you are older than someone, does not demand immediate respect any longer. I noticed there is a change in the younger crowd, but it's not only the younger crowd. I watch people that stand in lines or people that do not immediately get what they want when they want it. People huff and puff and get down right nasty at times. I went to Greece a few years ago. In a restaurant there was another American seated a few tables away. She did not like what was served to her and actually stood up in the restaurant and made a big scene. I heard the murmur of "American" around me while people just shook their head. It was then that I realized the youth of today are only mimicking what they observe around them. This is what has shaped their world. What lends to this selfishness? Is it the energies that are flooding into our world right now? Is it health imbalances that have people so fatigued and over stimulated that they snap easily? Is it the world's obsession with the rich and famous in Hollywood? Is it that people are so tired of being hurt that they hurt first? All personality imbalances stem from a chaotic metabolic system and all chaotic metabolic systems have a root cause in the energy of emotions long buried.

Excuses dot pretty much every conversation, whether it be kids or adults. When I was running late or failed to get something done, I would make an excuse. I used to be full of excuses then my husband told me something that changed my life 16 years ago. He told me that excuses only aggravated people and make them think worse of me. People really don't care WHY something happened or didn't happen, they only want to know WHEN it will be done or undone and HOW it will be done right next time. When you show personal responsibility, that tells people that what happened will never happen again because you are aware it is a problem. I used to justify myself all the time. I have learned that I do not need to do that. If I am late, I say I am sorry and leave it at that and make sure it does not happen again. I look at the cofactors that I chose to be late and change them. I look at excuses like the small everyday mental/emotional games people play. This falls into the victim/victimizer catagory. When you no longer make excuses for yourself, people cannot victimize you. It is amazingly freeing.

In my wellness center, in working with people, I hear excuses as to why people didn't or couldn't do something. But the thing is, I am here to educate people. I am here to show people there is another way. It is up to each individual person to act or not act on the information presented. It does not hurt me if someone does not implement something I have taught them. The path to wellness is all about personal responsibility. I do not judge someone because they do not do something. It is their choice. I find that some people are just not in the place that they are ready to heal or to get to the real issue of why they have an imbalance in the first place. I intrinsically love and respect ALL people, no matter what their path is, or where they are on their path. I plant seeds of information. Don't get me wrong, I would love for all people to completely put into action my teachings so they can reach new heights, but I do not judge anyone form holding themselves back.

My teachings empower people. In my center I have established the No Excuses Rule. No one has to justify to me their actions, but respect is always expected. I am merely presenting information and educating people on wellness from the inside out. Everyone is personally responsible for his or her own actions or non actions. My wellness center is a safe haven, free from judgment or justification. I present information without attachment to the outcome. This atmosphere tends to free people from their own limitations. I make sure that people understand the only limitations that are EVER put on them is by their own self. No one can impose limitations on you without you accepting or imposing those limitations on yourself first. It is never, nor has ever been, about what someone did to you, it is about what you do to yourself. Personal responsibility is the hardest thing you will ever have to do in life, but it is also the most freeing. Imagine a life where you could manifest anything you wanted, whenever you wanted. That is a life without justification.

With creating your life and personal responsibility comes the knowledge and respect that you are connected to everything. The awareness starts to filter in that what you do to someone or something else, comes back to you because we are all connected to each other. The plants, stones and trees, the Earth, animals, and people; we are all connected. If you cannot comprehend that right now, but are on the path of wellness, know that one day you will see and feel all of it clearly. It is almost like seeing the world in more vivid colors. You will start to see the beauty instead of the despair. The path of wellness is very much a sacred journey. The next time you go to justify yourself with an excuse, stop yourself. Know that every action is purely your responsibility and your choice and when you are responsible you do not need excuses. Fix what doesn't work in your life and teach your children the same principals. It is a big world out there with so many possibilities, do not limit children by teaching them excuses and lack of responsibility. In teaching your children, and others who may observe you in lines or restaurants, personal responsibility and the connection to all things, you will truly be giving them the gift of a blessed life without limitations.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Supplements: Good or Bad

good or bad?

By now you are probably aware that I am not a firm advocate of mass supplementation. When I hear someone tell another person that they need to take calcium because they are over 40 or because they smoke, I just shake my head. I do not think the general population of wellness advocates are out to intentionally harm you, but they are unknowingly doing just that. It amazes me how many people are too high in calcium. Whatever calcium you are taking into your body may not be right for your body. It may not be bio-available so your body throws that calcium in your arteries and tissues without you ever knowing it. Your hair and nails become dry and brittle and your bones are affected as well. A bone density test may even say you need more calcium, but you really do not need MORE calcium, you need the RIGHT calcium for your body. Because your body is not utilizing the calcium you are taking, your body pulls the reserved calcium from your bones and teeth. The more your bones moan and groan, the more calcium you take, thinking you need more, and you are quickly breaking down your body. A mineral or vitamin may seem harmless, but once it gets into your body in mass doses, it may become harmful.

Remember that we do receive vitamins and minerals from the simple source of our food. Not to mention that our food is very often "enriched" with added nutrients. You could very well be slowly poisoning your self by mass supplementing.

Every vitamin, mineral, or herb has either a yin or yang, acid or alkaline, component to it. It is the yin or yang value of the supplements that can correct an imbalance. If you are mass supplementing yourself, chances are you are mixing the yin and yang expressions in your supplements, causing them to cancel out their total benefits. Feed your body what it needs, not what it doesn't.

Correcting an overtaxed, imbalanced, system that we have damaged over years can take about a year or longer depending on the condition of your body. Damage occurs from our thoughts and emotions, not eating the right food for our individual body (eating "healthy" is not enough), toxic chemicals in our air, food and water, electropollution, and a myraid of other factors. Healing and rebalancing are not a fast process but there are things you can do to speed the process up: detoxification, therapies that are appropriate for you, healthy eating designed for YOUR body, and addressing your subconscious and conscious thoughts. On this journey you will find the sacredness of You. The feeling is not anything I can explain because it is a gentle shift within you and every one experiences it differently. The sacredness of cleansing and rebuilding your body is found individually by each person, in their own time. This sacredness changes detoxifying and healthy living from a chore into a gift. It is an amazing ride if you are serious about recliaming your wellness and vitality.

If you want more information, please visit my website, read my other blog entries, or read my new upcoming book, "The Power of Simplicity" where I offer techniques based on simplicity. Please email me if you would like to be notified when excerpts from the book are released, as well as tools and techniques.

"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication." Leonardo Da Vinci.
"Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated." Confucius.
"Things should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler." Albert Einstein.
"Out of intense complexities intense simplicities emerge." Winston Churchill.

Medical or Wellness: Which Do You Believe?

Medical or Wellness
Which Do You Believe?

The answer is...neither one. The wellness revolution is gaining in popularity and has the same hang-ups as the medical field. While there are good practitioners, just like there are good doctors, there are also many opportunistic sharks swimming in the wellness field. The wellness industry is the next .com business and people are jumping on board to make their fast buck without regard of possible long term effects. Let me clarify by saying that there isn't anything wrong with making money and living well doing something you love to do. However, the same pitfalls befall the wellness company. The individuality is brutally missing in much of the mainstream wellness care. Vitamins, minerals, herbs and supplements are mass recommended, and recommended too much, without regard to the individual.

Do you supplement with Vitamin C? Did you know that it may not be doing your body any good? Did you know that if you have alkaline blood than you should take the ascorbic acid form of Vitamin C but if you have acidic blood, you should be taking the alkalizing calcium ascorbate form of Vitamin C.

I hold the ancient belief that supplements and minerals should be used as a therapy for a short period of time. To balance out an imbalance.

Do you see that someone telling you that you need to take a multitude of mass produced supplements for the rest of your life, is no different than telling you that you have to take pharmaceutical drugs for the rest of your life? If your body doesn't need something, or is not able to utilize something, why should you continually ingest it? Blindly supplementing and self diagnosis rarely works and always has side effects that you may or may not be aware of. I promote informed choice and taking your health into your own hands, but know exactly what it is you are dealing with in the first place. You will generally have to go to several practitioners or doctors to get a full picture.

Someone that practices or promotes a therapy that does not consider long term effects, is not helping anyone. Everything is okay in small doses, but long term use could present unrepairable damage that you will see in a break down of vital body systems 20 years from now. What is good for one person will not necessarily be good for another.

Also remember there is usually a small kernel of truth in ALL things, so do not discount something just because you don't believe in it. It may simply be that it is not for you or that you are being too closed minded to see the potentials. We've all been introduced to something we thought was hogwash, yet finding ourselves interested or using that very same thing 10 or more years later. As we change, so do our perceptions, judgments, and filters. Do not close the door on something that may be good for you and research, research, research so you can make an informed decision. Wayne Dyer once was asked if he was offended by people using crystals. He answered that if he had hemorrhoids and someone told him a crystal would cure them, he would buy crystal chairs to sit in!

The point is, do not blindly follow the wellness industry and know that wellness practitioners will usually not completely agree with another's therapy. So use your opinions from your own research and knowledge, not someone else's. Use your gut feelings. Do not listen to anyone telling you what you have to do or should be doing. Make informed choices and experience what you are moved to experience. If something works for you, you will know it. If it does not, move on quickly without doubt. The real key is to move back to the basics.

Here are 5 principals to aspire to in health and wellness. How you get there will be individual and up to you.

1. Detoxify your body and mind
2. Correct the remaining imbalances with therapies and supplements
3. Once balanced, use food as your medicine to keep you balanced
4. Keep your mind and emotions clear
5. Live to experience and honor all things, no matter how they present to you

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Power of Simplicty (excerpt)

The Power of Simplicity
excerpt from the introduction on a soon to be published book by Kelly Colby-Nunez

The Journey of Simplicity

I was on the veranda of a quaint Italian restaurant with a man from Europe. Spirit had unexpectedly led our paths together. “You Americans do not know the real definition of regeneration.” he sighed with exasperation. “You all want to be complex and in being so, you miss the power in simplicity.” I was bemused by the “you, Americans” term but silently agreed with the truth he spoke. I intently absorbed what he was saying to me because I had been on the path of simplicity for years and was in the middle of writing this book.

While I did not learn anything particularly new from this French gentleman, he was my “ah ha” moment. That was the evening my puzzle pieces fell into their resting place. I believe everything happens to us for a reason. While I fully believe that we can consciously create our reality, I also believe there is a spirit force that is outside of our manifesting abilities that has a constant guiding hand in our lives. There is a spirit force that ebbs and flows within our lives. Whether we view this flow as bad or good, is up to us to control how we view our own circumstances. The circumstances in my life that have been challenging have also been the greatest learning and rewarding experiences. These situations forced me to change gears and go with the spirit flow to find what I needed. I could not have orchestrated a better spiritual influence, but most people would not look at it this way. I had two children that were seriously ill. Had I not went on the journey of health, I do not believe they would be here today. But instead of dwelling on the pain or what could have been, I looked at the situations through my spirit eyes and I gained great gifts that I am sharing in this book. The Power of Simplicity was borne out of years of experience, research, learning and spiritual knowing. I hope, through the words in this book, you will find your own Power of Simplicity.
If you would like updates and to have more excerpts emailed to you as they become available, email
copyright © 2007 Kelly Colby-Nunez
All work in this article is protected material. No part of this blog, content, or other related materials, may be copied, adapted or reproduced from this article in any fashion or media without the written consent of Kelly Colby-Nunez

The Truth About Lasers in the Anti-Aging Field

The Truth About Lasers in the Anti-Aging Field
By: Kelly Colby-Nunez

This is a reprint of a published article.
Are you tired of seeing the same old therapies advertised in the anti-aging and medispa scenes?
If you are like me, then you have had some laser work done, only to be disappointed. Every magazine I open up, every medispa, medical office, and spa that I pass are promoting a laser that will erase away the wrinkles, even out your skin tone, reduce the appearance of pores, and give you the Fountain of Youth.
I am a clinical aesthetician, and I can tell you, most of that is hype. My concentration is on exposing what does not work. I also educate people on the long-term risks of many popular therapies, while offering information on natural therapies that do work. I have my concerns with laser; with everything from efficacy, to technical and artistic ability of the one running the laser, to inducing an injury to the skin that causes collagen to form as Scar Tissue. This is known as Unhealthy collagen. When I work with someone, the minute I touch their skin, I can tell if they have had laser treatments. The skin feels very different. Your skin is your largest organ of detoxification, imagine how scar tissue would impede this natural and much needed biological function.
The technology behind lasers is sound in a controlled environment, yet long-term implications are not taken into consideration nor discussed with patients. Very few aestheticians or technicians receive proper laser education, even in doctor's offices. Education ranges from a few hours to a couple of days for a rare few. Because the lasers, burn and traumatize the skin, the targeted pigmentation in skin is often suppressed. Most people find that after their initial treatment of 6 laser sessions, they have to come back every 4-6 months to have the session repeated again.
We have something in our body called a Hayflick limit. Leonard Hayflick discovered this limit in 1965. Hayflick observed that human cells divide about 52 times before dying. As cells approach this limit, they show more signs of old age. The limit is believed to be one of the causes of aging. If the cell turnover can be slowed, life expectancy can be extended. Now this sheds a whole new light on the responsibility of the skin care industry. Lasers blast through the skin and any laser rep will tell you that most of the energy is focused at a specific target, but some of the laser light scatters, affecting other areas not intended. They are also quick to say that this does not mean anything. Well, given the above statement, that does mean something. In the skin care industry we are told that cell turnover slows down as we age and we need to speed it up to have younger looking skin. Cell turnover slows down as a natural protective mechanism that keeps us from aging quicker than we should and ultimately prevents us from meeting an early than expected death. Our cells help create energy for our body so we can sustain life. When our cells cannot function correctly, disease and death of the cell quickly sets in. This reduces quality of your life.
To be fair, lasers have brought about some great results for people that deeply needed resurfacing. My concern is not with the therapeutic uses of laser but the casual use of the lasers being marketed to everyone on every street corner.
Most people are not aware that your skin is only a reflection of what is happening internally. Age spots, sun spots, wrinkles, freckles, small red veins, large pores, and sagging skin is only a result of internal imbalance. This can be reversed by working on the inside of the body by taking a wellness approach to life.
Many people still want a quick fix and there is good news. There is a highly effective, natural skin therapy that comes from Europe and is called Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT). CIT can be thought of as a more natural alternative to lasers and harsh skin care treatments. In many cases, the CIT produces greater results than many popular skin treatments, without causing unnatural cell turn over. This procedure does not involve chemicals, lasers or injecting substances into your skin. There is no down time and no pain associated with this treatment. The secret to this therapy is based on changing the electric charge in each cell of the skin, using an affordable roller type of device known as the Dermaroller. This treatment taps into the very reason why salamanders can re-grow a tail. Imagine what that means for truly regenerating your skin! The CIT procedure is a very affordable and effective means to smooth acne scars, balance out dry or oily skin, create collagen and elastin to reduce wrinkles and sagging skin, and helps to even skin tone and texture. For more information on the Dermaroller procedure please go to

AY Wellness is a teaching and service oriented company. Kelly has achieved several advanced certifications, belongs to numerous professional organizations, is a wellness and aesthetics trainer, speaker and writer, and donates her time and services to several charities. She is currently working on her new book, “The Power of Simplicity”.
Kelly is available for speaking or teaching venues