Thursday, August 2, 2007

Supplements: Good or Bad

good or bad?

By now you are probably aware that I am not a firm advocate of mass supplementation. When I hear someone tell another person that they need to take calcium because they are over 40 or because they smoke, I just shake my head. I do not think the general population of wellness advocates are out to intentionally harm you, but they are unknowingly doing just that. It amazes me how many people are too high in calcium. Whatever calcium you are taking into your body may not be right for your body. It may not be bio-available so your body throws that calcium in your arteries and tissues without you ever knowing it. Your hair and nails become dry and brittle and your bones are affected as well. A bone density test may even say you need more calcium, but you really do not need MORE calcium, you need the RIGHT calcium for your body. Because your body is not utilizing the calcium you are taking, your body pulls the reserved calcium from your bones and teeth. The more your bones moan and groan, the more calcium you take, thinking you need more, and you are quickly breaking down your body. A mineral or vitamin may seem harmless, but once it gets into your body in mass doses, it may become harmful.

Remember that we do receive vitamins and minerals from the simple source of our food. Not to mention that our food is very often "enriched" with added nutrients. You could very well be slowly poisoning your self by mass supplementing.

Every vitamin, mineral, or herb has either a yin or yang, acid or alkaline, component to it. It is the yin or yang value of the supplements that can correct an imbalance. If you are mass supplementing yourself, chances are you are mixing the yin and yang expressions in your supplements, causing them to cancel out their total benefits. Feed your body what it needs, not what it doesn't.

Correcting an overtaxed, imbalanced, system that we have damaged over years can take about a year or longer depending on the condition of your body. Damage occurs from our thoughts and emotions, not eating the right food for our individual body (eating "healthy" is not enough), toxic chemicals in our air, food and water, electropollution, and a myraid of other factors. Healing and rebalancing are not a fast process but there are things you can do to speed the process up: detoxification, therapies that are appropriate for you, healthy eating designed for YOUR body, and addressing your subconscious and conscious thoughts. On this journey you will find the sacredness of You. The feeling is not anything I can explain because it is a gentle shift within you and every one experiences it differently. The sacredness of cleansing and rebuilding your body is found individually by each person, in their own time. This sacredness changes detoxifying and healthy living from a chore into a gift. It is an amazing ride if you are serious about recliaming your wellness and vitality.

If you want more information, please visit my website, read my other blog entries, or read my new upcoming book, "The Power of Simplicity" where I offer techniques based on simplicity. Please email me if you would like to be notified when excerpts from the book are released, as well as tools and techniques.

"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication." Leonardo Da Vinci.
"Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated." Confucius.
"Things should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler." Albert Einstein.
"Out of intense complexities intense simplicities emerge." Winston Churchill.